Monday, 27 February 2012


Find out where the Shona language is spoken. Look on a map to check the location of countries in Africa.

So, learn some words in Shona! Can you find poshi, piri, tatu, na, shanu, tanhatu... zana?

Zimbabwe Kid has put out many videos to help you speak Shona. He'd like to teach you some basic courtesies. Can you say thank you?

And the Shona language in song.

Monday, 20 February 2012


Find out something about Afrikaans.

Listen to a few words here.

And listen to Steve Hofmeyr, popular singer in Afrikaans.

Feel the shape your lips and tongue have to make to form some Afrikaans sounds. Then ask papa about fricative, plosives, and nasal stops.

Some words sound familiar, as if they share a history with English. What do you think? And what about the spread of Afrikaans around the world? Would you consider it a worldwide language?

Monday, 13 February 2012


Who asked, What's an idiom?

It's a commonly used expression that you shouldn't take literally; it's usually short, but the speaker may expect it to convey a great deal. A person can use this quick way to suggest circumstance, emotion, reaction, or indicate their attitude to another person or event.

People who are learning English as a Second Language probably find idiomatic expressions great fun. Go to Learn English Idioms on Youtube and see what sense you can make from them!

Invent one too. Then see if you can introduce it into your home ed group.

Saturday, 4 February 2012


Tagalog is one of many languages spoken in the Philippines. Learn one or two phrases before you go!

I don't speak Tagalog: Hindi ako nag-sas-alita ng Tagalog

Find out how to say:
Please repeat
Excuse me
I'm sorry
Thank you

Watch these videos to help: Tagalog 101 and Be polite in Tagalog.